Can Back Pain Cause Groin Discomfort?

Can Back Pain Cause Groin Discomfort?
For an executive mum with younger kids, managing back pain is already a challenge, but when it extends to the groin area, it can be particularly distressing. It is crucial to find effective relief and restore comfort. In this blog, let’s discuss three common causes of back pain that radiates to the groin. 
One common culprit behind back pain that extends to the groin is the Psoas muscle. This muscle is present on both sides on the body. It is a deep-seated muscle that is attached to the lumbar spine at one end and the front of the pelvis at the other end. It plays a significant role in supporting the lower back. When tight or inflamed, the psoas can tug at either or both ends, leading toback pain and/or groin discomfort. Beyond traditional back pain treatments, targeted stretching exercises aimed at loosening the psoas and releasing tension in the front of the hip area and lumbar spine can offer significant relief. You can help to alleviate the strain on your psoas muscle and reduce groin pain associated with back issues by incorporating gentle stretches into your daily routine. 
Another potential cause of back pain radiating to the groin is dysfunction in the sacroiliac (SIJ) joint can also contribute to back pain that extends to the groin. The SI joint connects the sacrum (the triangular bone at the base of the spine) to the ilium (the large pelvic bone). When this joint becomes inflamed or misaligned, it can produce referred pain that radiates into the groin, hips, and pelvis. By focusing on strengthening exercises, techniques to improve SI joint stability and reducing the inflammation in the SIJ, one can address the root cause of SIJ discomfort and reduce the frequency and intensity of groin pain associated with SI joint dysfunction.
Lastly, pinched nerves in the lower lumbar spine. When nerves in this region become compressed or irritated, they can produce pain that travels down into the groin area. This type of pain often presents as a shooting or stabbing sensation and may be accompanied by numbness or tingling. Addressing the underlying cause of nerve compression can help alleviate both back pain and associated groin discomfort.

Watch this video to learn more about Nerve Pain:

HERE is a free guide on How can you manage your Nerve Pain? where you can get some simple solutions to manage your sciatica.  

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